Meals on Wheels Kitsap
- Community Dining Meals The Community Dining Meals Program offers older adults the opportunity to connect with others while enjoying a hot, nutritionally-balanced meal. Noontime meals are served at various locations around Kitsap County to adults age 60 years and older. Reservations are required by 2:00 p.m. at least one business day in advance. Meals are offered on a donation-only basis to eligible adults age 60 years and over. The suggested donation is $5.00 per meal. Others under age 60 are welcome to dine, but will be charged $8.00 - the full cost of the meal.
- Home Delivered Meals For Seniors 60 Years and Older Well-balanced and nutritious meals are delivered to persons 60 years and older in Kitsap County who are homebound due to illness or disability and are unable to prepare meals for themselves. Referrals are accepted from individuals, family members, friends, physicians and agencies. For authorization to receive Home Delivered Meals, call (360) 377-8511. $5.00 per meal suggested donation.
- Liquid Nutrition Supplement Available by prescription for individuals age 60 years and older with special medical needs. Donations are requested and very much appreciated.
50-60 Meals on Wheels Program
Home Delivered Meals for Persons Age 50 to 60 Balanced and nutritious meals are delivered to persons age 50 to 60 in Kitsap County who expect to be homebound for a short period of time (up to six weeks) due to recent hospitalization, nursing home stay, or serious illness. Eligible persons must be homebound and unable to prepare meals for themselves. Referrals are accepted from individuals, family members, friends, physicians and agencies. For authorization to receive Home Delivered Meals, call (360) 377-8511. This program is funded only through participant donations and subject to availability of funds. A minimum donation of $8.00 per meal is encouraged.
Dietary Counseling & Nutrition Education
A registered dietitian is available for dietary counseling and nutrition education for all Meals on Wheels clients at no charge. The dietitian plans nutritionally balanced meals appropriate for seniors. Click here to see carbohydrate and sodium information for meals.
Senior Farmers' Market Program
Fresh Produce For Seniors Fresh and nutritious locally grown fruits and vegetables are available to low-income seniors (60 years and older) to improve their nutritional status, and to support local farmers. Produce may be purchased using an electronic benefits card at local farmers' markets or delivered directly to homebound seniors. Available during summer months only.
Home Delivered Meals for Family Caregivers
Home delivered meals are provided to participants of the Kitsap County Caregiver Support program. The service is provided to unpaid family caregivers and their care recipient as a means to provide a break for care giving responsibilities. This service is available within funding and eligibility limitations. Call (360) 337-5700 or 1-800-562-6418 for more information.
Bremerton Services Association provides equal opportunity in employment and services without regard to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, marital status or presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability.
Hearing or speech impaired persons may contact Meals on Wheels Kitsap by calling 711, the TTY relay number.